13 januari 2024, 10:30

Sterke nek en schouderspieren

In this exclusive Pralaya XL class we will dive into strengthen the shoulder-, upper back- and neck muscles. When you get stronger in these particular muscles you will become better and stronger in your arm balances, headstand and handstands. Prevent (future) injuries or solve existing injuries. | When | Saturday 9 December 2023, time 10:30-12:30 | Investment in yourself | Price €. XL class | Register | Register via the event page on our website or schedule on the Inner Embassy App. | What to expect | When you strengthen the weakest muscles in the shoulder area it will keep you save to do intense poses as arm balances, headstands and handstands but it will also keep you save in doing vinyasas, chaturangas and downward dogs (Adho mukha svanasana). You will be as strong as your weakest (link) muscle. In your shoulder area the back of the shoulders and your serratus anterior are mostly the weaker ones. When these muscles stay weak and you do poses where you need to use these muscles they will not support you effectively and you can end up with injuries. When you start making these muscles stronger you will balance out your muscles and this is healthy for your joints, they will damage less and it will prevent injuries or sort out injuries. So if you have injuries in the neck or shoulder area or you want to strengthen the shoulder area to start doing more intens and advanced poses, this is your workshop. In this 2 hour class you will learn and practice the mechanics of the muscles in the shoulder area. Learn how to locate weaker muscles and strengthen them. The technical way how to do a save arm and forearm balance. How to do a save headstand. How to do a save handstand. If you know the save and technical way you can choose to join the practice of headstand and handstand (NO pressure of course). After this workshop you have the knowledge of the right alignment of your own body. How to keep your shoulders save and healthy doing yoga and other sports. You know where to locate your weakest shoulder area and how to strengthen them. Technological knowledge how to preform a save headstand and handstand and arm balances. With Pralaya yoga we work on different levels of the physical body: muscular, ligaments and fascia. By strengthening the weaker muscle the body will stretch the thight/ strong muscle. It will open the strong side and gives more space and freedom in the thight sides. This way you will create balans in the muscular parts, less one-sided pressure in en on the joints, more blood flow through the ‘weaker’ muscles and it let more energy flow throughout the fascia. | Contra indications | Make sure that you inform the teacher if you have shoulder or neck injuries before the workshop starts. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about this.

Locatie: Inner Embassy, Scheveningseweg 14, Den Haag
